Saturday, August 3, 2013

Firework Painting

I wanted to do something with the girls for 4th of July.  I was not going out with them.  I would of had to of had them on my own, and I did not feel like dealing with crowds and intoxicated people.  So, instead the girls and I painted fire works!!  I gave them blue and red washable paint and let them go at it!  My youngest, of course painted part of herself, but that is all in the fun of painting!!  Besides, it is washable. 
Once they were done painting, I gave the girls each some star stickers to put on their poster.  Pinching the stars is an excellent fine motor skill.

As you can see, I put the paint in the girls' snack cups.  I like using the cups that have the handles on them.  It really helps them in grabbing the paint.  

The fireworks!!  

I gave the girls each one paint color at a time.  They had to wait to switch cups.  It is great to practice sharing and taking turns.  "You get what you get, and you don't have a fit."  That is what we say at home and in my classroom.  

Look at that girl go!

Of course it goes without saying, that no matter what they do, I think it is wonderful!!  

My oldest making her master piece!

Painting is one of my girls favorite things to do!  Washable paint is one of my favorite things.  Painting helps with fine motor skills, and I try and work on using their imagination too!

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